New Character System ‘Awakening’ Update – Lass, Mari, and Edel

Jan 21, 2025 | Update

Chasers! It’s time to awaken the hero within!
The Latest Update is Here!
The Awakening System has arrived for Lass, Mari, and Edel in GrandChase Classic!
⚔️ What’s New?
✨ Awaken Lass, Mari, and Edel to unlock their full potential.
✨ Discover powerful new abilities and skills for these characters.

1. New Character System ‘Awakening’ Update
– ‘Awakening’ for Lass, Mari, and Edel will be updated.
– Completing Awakening Missions will awaken the character. Players can unlock 2 new skills and a Core System.
– ‘Awakening Stone of Freedom’ and ‘Awakening Stone of Transformation’ will be added. This item can be acquired through the Awakening-exclusive dungeon ‘Abyssal Path’, Shop, or quests. It is used to unlock and use new skills and the Awakening Core System.

1) New Skill
(1) New 4th Bar Special Skill
– After Awakening the character, players can unlock and use the first Main Core from the Core System.
– Each character will have 1 additional skill. This special skill can be used with all jobs of the same character.
– Players must choose between the existing and new 4th Bar Special Skill for use.

(2) Awakening Special Skill
– After Awakening the character, players can unlock and use the second Main Core from the Core System.
– The Awakening Special Skill will be reinforced each time another Main Core is unlocked.
– Each character will have 1 additional skill. Players can register the skill to the new skill slot added to right of the existing skill slot.

– Awakening Special Skills can be used when the exclusive gauge is full. Players can charge the gauge by consuming MP. However, even if the gauge is full, the skill cannot be used while on cooldown.
– Awakening Special Skills are not affected by the ‘Reduce Skill MP(AP) Consumption’ and ‘Reduce Skill Cooldown’ stats.

2) Core System

– The Core System will be added to the Awakening Tab of the Skill Tree.
– The Core System consists of 4 Main Cores and 9 Support Cores.
– The Main Core provides skills related to the new special skill, and the Support Core provides stats.
– Players can use the ‘Awakening Stone of Freedom’ to unlock Cores in order.
– Unlocking a Support Core provides fixed stats, which can be reset within a specified range using the ‘Awakening Stone of Transformation’.

– Further details on the rate information can be viewed in the Announcement page below after the maintenance on January 8th.
– [Rate Information Website] (Link)

3) Crafting for New Chase Coordi – Awakening Added
– Awakening Chase Coordi for Lass, Mari, and Edel will be added to the crafting list.
– Awakening Chase Coordi can be crafted using 300 ‘Chase Coordi Fragments’.
– Awakening Chase Coordi will be provided with Season 5 stats.

4) Bermesiah’s Hero Collection – Awakening Added

– The ‘Awakening’ effect will be added to the ‘Collections’ category in Bermesiah’s Hero Collection.
– This can be viewed in the tab to the right of the Lv. 85 effects. The Awakening effects are as follows.
– 1 Character (Vitality +1000) / 3 Characters: Critical Strike Damage +10% / 5 Characters: Critical Strike Chance +3% / 10 Characters: EXP +5%

– Awakening Chase Coordi for Lass, Mari, and Edel will be added to Chase Coordi Collection.
– Completing the collection will provide additional stats for the account.

5) Character Voice Overs
With the Awakening update, additional new Special Skill voices have been recorded for each language.
Please see below for more details on the changes.

(1) Improvements to Existing Character Voices
– Improved voices that had low quality or inconsistent volume.

(2) Applied Portuguese Voices
– Portuguese voices will be available in an additional update.
– The update date will be announced separately at a later date.

6) How to Use Special Awakening Coordi Exchange Ticket 1

– ‘Special Awakening Coordi Exchange Ticket’ can be exchanged for ‘Special Awakening Coordi Select Box’ in the Item Refinery – Craft – Event tab.
– Please note that once crafted, these items cannot be reversed.

– A ‘Change Ticket’ will be mailed to those who participated in the Awakening Pre-Registration PART 1 for each additional Awakening update following January 22nd.
– The ‘Change Ticket’ can be used with the ‘Special Awakening Coordi Exchange Ticket’ to exchange for the ‘Special Awakening Coordi Select Box’ of characters that will be updated.
– [Change Ticket II] Reward Period: January 22, 2025 (Wed) After Maintenance – February 12, 2025 (Wed) Before Maintenance (UTC+0)
– Players who log in during the Change Ticket Reward Period will receive a ‘Change Ticket’ via mail. The reward is only valid for 21 days, so please ensure to receive the [Change Ticket] before it is deleted.
– Players can use ‘Special Awakening Coordi Exchange Ticket’ and ‘Change Ticket II’ together to exchange for ‘Special Awakening Coordi Select Box’ for Lass, Mari, or Edel.
– ‘Special Awakening Coordi Exchange Ticket 1’ and ‘Change Ticket II’ will be deleted during maintenance on March 26, 2025 (Wed). Please note the removal date and use the items before the maintenance begins.

7) Other Improvements
(1) Improved so that 4th Bar Skill is differentiated from Awakenign Skill.
(2) Improved so that players can tell Awakening Support Core Grade apart better in the Skill Tree.
(3) Improved so that information is more visible in the Awakening Support Core Stat Reroll Window in Skill Tree.
(4) Improved Skill Cooldown Number Size and Position.
(5) Added an option to allow players to use previous [Classic Voice] before the awakening for Lire and Arme.

– Can be selected in Options > Audio > Select Character Voice.

<Bug Fixes/Improvements>
1. Character Command Controls Improvements
1) Lass
[Shadow Vanish][Dash][Super Jump]
– Changed the input from X + Direction Keys to C + Direction Keys.
[Double Jump]
– Improved so that the delay in landing motion is reduced so that the next action can be done faster.

■ Thief (1st Job)
[Combo Attack Lv1][Combo Attack Lv2][Critical Lv1][Critical Lv2][Double Attack][Dash Attack Lv1][Dash Attack Lv2][Dash Attack Repeat][Rising Attack]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Fixed a bug where there was a low chance of only hitting certain enemies when attacking multiple enemies.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
– Reduced the duration of motion after certain command attacks.
– Dash can now cancel Running.
[Double Jump Down Attack]
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.
– Reduced the fall speed during commands and improved so that commands are not canceled upon landing on platforms.
– Can now be activated also with single jump.
– Increased the attack speed.
– Added a command input so that players can activated with XX while jumping.
[Wild Throw]
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.
– Increased the attack speed.
– Changed the input from ZZZZZ to XXX.
[Rapid Slash]
– Changed the input from ZZZZZ to XXX.
[Dash Attack]
– Changed so that Additional Attacks can be activated by pressing Z key without successfully landing the first attack.
– Changed so that Dash can be used to cancel the additional attack.
– Removed the Critical and Double Attack after Dash Attack.
[Dash Attack Lv2]
– Reduced the duration of motion after attack so the next action can be done faster.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Dash Attack Lv3]
– Reduced the duration of motion after attack so the next action can be done faster.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
– Changed the input from Up + Z to ZZ after Dash Attack.
[Jump Attack]
– Improved to jump after a certain amount of time following a jump attack, allowing players to continue to the next action.
– Improved combo attacks to trigger from the first hit.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Double Attack]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Up Attack Repeat While Combo Attack]
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.
[Fatal Fury]
– Fixed a bug where sometimes the attack could not hit the enemy on a low chance.

■ Assassin (2nd Job)
[Combo Attack][Critical][Jump Attack][Dash Attack Additional Attack][Rising Attack]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Fixed a bug where there was a low chance of only hitting certain enemies when attacking multiple enemies.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
[Jump Attack]
– Improved to jump after a certain amount of time following a jump attack, allowing players to continue to the next action.
– Added a hitbox when going behind the enemy. (Dungeon: Stun / PVP: Knockdown, Throw)
– Improved so that pressing the Z Key while going behind the enemy makes an instant attack. The Dash Attack from the Z key input is removed.
– Improved combo attacks to trigger from the first hit.

■ Dark Assassin (3rd Job)
[Combo Attack][Critical][Double Attack][Jump Attack]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Fixed a bug where there was a low chance of only hitting certain enemies when attacking multiple enemies.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
– Added a Critical Attack that attacks the front by pressing Dash Command while Combo Attack.
– Improved combo attacks to trigger from the first hit.
[Up While Combo Attack]
– Improved combo attacks to trigger from the first hit.
[Close Jump Help] The Jump Help Close motion will be shortened to make jumping faster than before.

■ Striker (4th Path)
[Combo Attack][Critical][Double Attack][Jump Attack]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Fixed a bug where there was a low chance of only hitting certain enemies when attacking multiple enemies.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
– Improved combo attacks to trigger from the first hit.
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.
[Additional Dash While Dashing][Additional Dash After Dash Attack]
– Improved to go through the enemy.
– Added a hitbox. (Dungeon: Stun / PVP: Knockdown, Throw)

2) Edel
[Combo Attack][Critical][Double Attack][Dash Attack][Jump Attack]
– Improved so that hitbox is generally larger.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
[Critical][Double Attack]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
– Improved so that the next attack happens faster after using it
– Reduced the cooldown. (Dungeon: 2 seconds / PVP: 2 seconds)
– Reduced the cooldown. (Dungeon: 2 seconds / PVP: 2 seconds)
– Increased the area of effect for the explosion and allowed bullets to penetrate through enemies.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Air Flintlock][Advanced Jump Attack TYPE 1][Advanced Jump Attack TYPE 2][Advanced Jump Attack TYPE 3]
– Reduced the cooldown. (Dungeon: 2 seconds / PVP: 2 seconds)
– Increased the area of effect for the explosion and allowed bullets to penetrate through enemies.

3) Mari
[Booster Jump]
– Improved so that transitioning to the other direction after Booster Jump happens faster.
[Dash While Jump] Dashing while jumping is now possible.

■ Rune Caster (1st Job)
[Combo Attack Lv1]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Fixed a bug where there was a low chance of only hitting certain enemies when attacking multiple enemies.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
– Increased the hitbox
[Combo Attack Lv2]
– Improved to hit all enemies in the attack range.
– Increased the hitbox
[Critical Lv1]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
– Increased the hitbox
[Critical Lv2]
– Fixed the location of the creation of tornado to be at the front.
– Improved to hit all enemies in the attack range.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
– Increased the hitbox
[Double Attack]
– Added a Double Attack Command.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Jump Attack Lv1]
– Improved the hitbox and timing.

■ Gunslinger (2nd Job)
[Heat Gauge]
– Improved so that Heat Gauge is removed, allowing for more free attacks.
[Combo Attack][Jump Attack][Dash Back Attack]
– Improved the fired bullet to penetrate the enemies.
– Improved the fired bullet to penetrate the enemies.
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Dash Attack]
– Added an additional Command with a Z Input during Dash Attack.
[Ultimate Weapon]
– Improved the fired bullet to penetrate the enemies.
– Added Hyper Armor while active.

■ Polaris (3rd Job)
[Combo Attack]
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
[Summon Comet (C Up)]
– Improved so that it will be activated faster.
– Increased the duration.
– Increased the hitbox.
[Critical][Double Attack]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Critical (While Summoning Comet)][Double Attack (While Summoning Comet)]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
– Improved to ease the command input segment to make it easier and faster to trigger than before.

■ Geas (4th Job)
[Combo Attack]
– Fixed a bug where attack speed was reduced from the character being stunned when using certain command attacks.
– Improved the hitbox to make combos easier and longer to chain.
[Critical][Double Attack]
– Reduced the delay in cancel window for the motion so that next motion can happen faster.
[Freeze Tempest][Core Break]
– Improved so that the character does not change directions after the skill is used. After the skill is used or after the pet skill is used, it will continue to face the direction it was facing.

<Improvements Sneak Peek>
– Lass

– Mari

– Edel

2. Pet Balance
1) Royd
– Increased the stun time for attacks

3. Other Fixes
– Fixed a bug where Elesis Spearman Z Up command attack had unintended hit counts
– Fixed a bug where the event icons unintentionally displayed on dungeons that were excluded from the Buff event
– Fixed a bug where the EXP gain increase stat did not reflect as intended in the Dungeon Results window under certain circumstances
– Fixed a bug where there were certain unintended appearances for Lass’ Dokaebi King’s Lower Armor
– Fixed a bug where there were certain unintended appearances for Decanee’s Moon Child Coordi Lower Armor
– Improved the icon image for Moon Child Coordi
– Fixed a bug where error messages displayed and players could not select a motion when selecting Dio’s Victory Motion in the Expressions tab

We will strive to create the best experience possible.
Thank you.



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